CMPIC R6.09 Released

The release of CMPIC R6.09 introduces a number of enhancements:

Equipment Schedule

The Equipment Schedule now allows for data to be filtered based on usage criteria. Additionally, it now permits output to CSV file for all equipment types. To further complement these enhancements, a new Equipment Quantities report has been introduced.

Data Import

The Data Import Wizard now provides a preview option, to allow the potential results of a data load to be analyzed before attempting an actual load. Additionally, device near nodes may also be loaded with device data.


Cable routes may now be defined between two areas, rather than specific node points; a cable route is then considered complete once a contiguous route is achieved between two areas.
Areas may now be frozen to prevent design changes being made on existing cables.
Cable routes may now be deleted in batch (subject to usual rules).
Cables routed via the autorouter mechanism may now be accepted, rejected or re-submitted in batch.
A new fill calculation method has been introduced to cater for cables run as bundles. Fill calculations have also been extended to cater for double-width trays, as well as providing the facility to define oval/ellipse ducts and conduits when calculating fill.
A new Cable Weight by Area report provides the facility to report on the weight of cables per-area.

Cloudis Ltd and kubit GmbH developing CAD interface

Cloudis Ltd., the UK based specialists in Cable Lifecycle Management and Routing software, have entered into a strategic partnership with kubit GmbH of Dresden, Germany who specialize in developing software for capturing of geometric and non geometric data. Kubit also have offices in Houston, TX.