ShipConstructor and Cloudis have developed an interface for the Cloudis CMPIC Cable Management Application.
Author: Admin
Cloudis Interfaces AutoCAD to CMPIC for Cable Management
Cloudis Limited has released an enhanced version of the standard interface between AutoCAD and its CMPIC Cable Management and Routing application. The interface has been developed using the .NET framework.
Singapore’s STG Uses Cloudis CMPIC for Cable Management
Cloudis Limited is delighted to announce that Sea Trucks Group (STG) have become their latest CMPIC Cable Management Software user. CMPIC is being used initially on the Jascon 18 vessel which is being fitted out in Singapore.
ShipConstructor Partners with Cloudis
ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI) is collaborating with Cloudis to develop an interface to the Cloudis CMPIC Cable Management Application.
Marinette Marine to Use Cloudis CMPIC for Cable Design
Cloudis Limited announces the purchase by Marinette Marine Corp. of CMPIC Cable Management software for use in Cabling Design and Installation on the LCS and other programs.
Cloudis Releases Cabcentric
Named Cabcentric, the product is a complementary application to CMPIC, Cloudis’ Cable Scheduling, Routing and Installation Management software.
Navware to Distribute Cloudis CMPIC Apps in North America
Cloudis Limited has appointed Quebec based Navware Canada Inc. (Navware) as a distributor in North America for its CMPIC software application. CMPIC is used to schedule, route and manage cables through the design and installation process and is used widely in the shipbuilding and maritime sectors.
Cloudis development enables cable routing
[Press Release on]
[Press Release on]
Cloudis Ltd and ImageGrafix collaborate in Middle Eastern engineering market
ImageGrafix Software FZCO are to distribute and support Cloudis’ CMPIC Cable Routing and Management software in the Middle East.