(need to choose name)
Release R6.11 has been almost 2 years in development, and necessitated a complete reworking of many fundamental areas of CMPIC, in our continuing efforts to simplify the product. Concurrently we have endeavoured to implement all outstanding requests for functional changes which could bring value to CMPIC.
To complement these changes, the work streamlining the look-and-feel of CMPIC (begun, in part, in prior releases) has now been fully completed, resulting in a cleaner visual style throughout.
This release introduces a number of new features:
- Status Codes re-written to introduce a more robust method of handling status progression, as well as flexible statuses
- Field sizes increased to accommodate much larger possible values; screens and reports alike adapted to cope with displaying of such values
- Default network fill (volume & weight) thresholds may now be optionally overridden per network equipment (trays, ducts etc) level. This is useful for providing non-standard fill thresholds for penetrations, for example.
This is simply a short selection of the many changes implemented, and more detailed information can be found on the Delivery Note and Key Features pages, available via the Cloudis Wiki. We are in the process of updating all affected pages to reflect any and all changes.